Search for and add items from Destiny Discover

You can search for resources in Destiny Discover®, and add them to an existing collection. Choose from a wide selection of books, eBooks, WebPath Express™ websites, and One Search databases.

  1. From the top of any page, type a keyword in the Search bar.

    Destiny Discover search bar.


    • When you enter a keyword (title, author, or topic), you can view results for a specific resource type by clicking the corresponding tab. For example, to see book results, click the Books tab.
    • If you type civil war in the Search bar, results for 'civil war' collections appear on the Collections tab before collections containing the word 'civil' or 'war'.
  2. Press Enter, or click Search icon..

    Note: Click Advanced search icon. to perform an advanced search.

  3. Depending on the type of resource you want to add, do any of the following:

    Note: On the COLLECTIONS tab, you must copy a collection first if you do not own it. Then, you can add items from Destiny Discover to it.

    Search results page on the Collections tab.

    • From the BOOKS tab, find the item you want to add. 

      Search results page on the Books tab.

      1. In the bottom-right corner of the item, select More Options icon. > Add to Collection.
      2. Click the name of the collection you want to add the item to, or click Add in the appropriate row. A message lets you know the item was added.


      • To find a specific collection, use the Sort By drop-down or type a title in the Search bar, and then press Enter or click Search icon..
      • The call number is automatically included when you add an item from Destiny Discover.
      • Call numbers are only available when you add a new Destiny Discover resource. You will not see call numbers for any existing items in a collection.
    • From the WEBSITES tab, find the website you want to add.

      Search results page on the Websites tab.

      1. In the bottom-right corner of the item, select More Options icon. > Add to Collection.
      2. Click the name of the collection you want to add the item to, or click Add in the appropriate row. A message lets you know the item was added.

        Note: To find a specific collection, use the Sort By drop-down or type a title in the Search bar, and then press Enter or click Search icon..

    • From the DATABASES tab, select the desired database.

      Search results page on the Databases tab.

      1. Find and open the article you want to add.
      2. Use the Add to Collections bookmarklet on your browser toolbar to add the item to your collection.


      • You must install the bookmarklet before you can add database articles to a collection.
      • To go back to the Destiny Discover search results page, click the Destiny Discover tab in your browser.